Page of David Simmons, P.E. | Extended Profile for David Simmons, P.E. | Additional Education: Had the chance to get an AA from BCC and then graduate with a BS in Electrical Engineering from UCF
Places Lived: Where else is there besides Melbourne?..grin. Since graduation, I've had the opportunity to live in Orlando, Charlotte-NC, Toronto-Canada, and now I call North Dallas, Texas "Home on the range"
Married / Single / Divorced: Married for past 11 years
Children: yes, three - a son and two daughters
Greatest Accomplishment: Hmmm...I would say that there's two big ones, but I would think 'accomplishment' means that it's something I did? In which case the first one is just 'greatest luck'?! About 13+ years ago, I had a bad, bad car accident that should have claimed my life - it did claim my gall bladder and spline, with my leg being ripped out of it's socket and moving up to break my pelvis bone. While recovering, I had a lot of time to think/reflect on life and the odds of being alive. It was at this time when God put people in my life that were deep studiers and hard-tryers of living the Biblical life of the disciples - it blew me away! It was the first time that I really started to understand God and my 'place' in the plan - that was hugh for me.
I would say the second, was the closest thing a male could experience that's similiar to giving birth - it was the completition of my professional engineering license. Which involves two 8 hour engineering tests and 4 years of engineering work - luckily I passed and am now a Professional Engineer (it's like getting the M.D. for a doctor, but for engineers) - that's why you see the phrase, "P.E." after my name. Man, I'm glad it's over and I don't have to do that again!
Still Looking to do: Someday soon, am hoping to get my private pilot's license.
Hobbies: Welp - websites for one..grin. I currently run about 33 so far! Have enjoyed tinkering with all aspects of computer hardware and software...have been running various flavors of Linux and *BSD's for quite awhile. Do some carpentry, but I think that's mostly out of stubborness/cheapness when you own a house. Like to study Biblical Apologetics (meaning 'to give reason or defense of Biblical truths') in plain, normal english - ask me about it!
I also like to re-purpose electronics...some may call it hacking, but I consider it 'upgrades'. I've been lucky enough to upgrade my TiVO and an X-Box to make a 'super media center'. |